If you’re a paralegal you have a lot on your plate with the responsibility of scheduling appointments, liaising with clients, greeting visitors to the office and acting as a guide or a buffer to any salespeople or reporters that show up. Additionally, you have the duty of scheduling depositions and legal videographers, booking orders for court reporters and tracking down, researching, and scheduling various deposition services.
You also probably serve as assistant to case managers and help with coordinating production workflow procuring venues, exhibit handling, and various needs of the client. With all of the responsibilities you have thrust upon you, your time quickly fills making it difficult to do every task at a high level of quality and precision.
Discovery Litigation Services is happy to take the responsibility of organizing your deposition to find you the best court reporters, legal videographers, translators, let you focus on your other duties, knowing this will be done right.
If you’re still deciding to move forward alone. Here are a few quick tips to keep in mind when hiring legal videographers to document a deposition.
Does the videographer or video deposition services you’re using utilize up-to-date recording equipment? We have come to expect a certain level of video and audio quality in our everyday. Does your legal videographer provide that? Specifically, equipment will they be providing, what is in their kit?
Does your videographer have an audio recording solution? The camera’s onboard microphone can work in some instances, it is not a good idea to use that for your only audio gathering solution. A picture is worth a thousand words, but in a deposition, the spoken word is paramount. Having clean and clear audio will make for a more accurate record as well as easy video to text synchronization later. Ensure that your video deposition services provider will be using at the minimum, one lavalier microphone per person being recorded. A lavalier or lav, is a microphone that attaches directly to a person usually around the chest neck collar. This gives you the best chances at recording quality audio without missing anything.
Does the videographer or videography service provider use up to date recording equipment?
When it comes to videography, make sure you’re getting all of the features you require. Discovery not only records what happens in that room, they make it interactive, quickly skimmable, and provide a solution for HD Streaming to any third parties that need a digital link to watch from anywhere there is an internet connection.
Make sure you’re not overpaying for services you do not need, but likewise, it is just as important that the videography solution you employ will provide you everything you need to get the job done right.
Before hiring any legal videographers, know what solutions your specific deposition will require:
Picture-in-Picture Live Video Capture:
Utilizing the latest in technology, our videographers are equipped to be able to capture a direct feed of a document camera, computer or video player to allow for a high definition capture of the demonstrative evidence being put before a witness. This allows for much more powerful playback later allowing for the viewer to be able to see what the deponent and what he is looking at simultaneously.
High Definition Video Streaming:
DLS provides its clients with a streaming platform that allows for a high definition streaming feed anywhere in the world. No software is needed. Simply click a secure, private link that is provided and the viewers can watch directly on your PC, Apple device or Smart Phone.
Video to Text Synchronization:
Having a clickable transcription synced to actual video of the deposition can be a power-tool in your box of screwdrivers. First, the legal videographers at Discovery Litigation Services are well versed in a variety of depositions and skilled in video recording to ensure the highest quality playback.
Knowing what you will need beforehand will make it very easy to weed out the videography services that are not going to meet your needs.
In the end, how will you receive your deliverables?
Will it be in a format that is useful for your case? Will it be easy and accessible to review the deposition? For instance, Discovery Litigation Services delivers the most technologically advanced deliverable available on a consistent basis, regardless of where the deposition took place.
All videotaped depositions with DLS are synchronized with the text of the deposition at no additional cost, making it easy to skim the clickable transcript and find the corresponding video reference.
Our deliverable seamlessly integrates with the most widely used trial presentation programs such as Sanction and Trial Director as well as PowerPoint.
It is not just the equipment or newest tech that makes a videographer great. A great videographer approaches the work differently, deliberately, and with a discerning eye. The legal videographers at Discovery Litigation Services are highly experienced in deposition protocol.
With extensive training, Discovery's videographers know how to make the best use of their environment while filming. They always proceed with the mindset of the highest quality of playback will be preserved.
Technical shooting is an important skillset to have, but what if you require a compelling “Day in the Life” video? Shooting a narrative is different than recording events unfolding. Does your video solutions provider have extensive experience in a creative capacity, able to work with counsel to craft a compelling “day in the life” video?
What is the experience level of your legal videographer or video deposition services company? How long have they been “in the game” so to speak? Although it is always nice to support an up and comer, you need to know that you are in good hands.
Recording a deposition is a different beast and requires a skillset that can’t be matched by a weekend videographer more experienced filming his son’s soccer games. You need the comfort that comes along with 20 years of experience and the passion that drives that individual or company to stay up to date with the fast changing technology and has not gotten complacent. You need someone who is experienced in working with clients and understands the stakes.
Click here for a full list of services offered by Discovery Litigation Services and let us know how we can be of assistance to you.